Friday, September 11, 2009

hey can i get your number??

sept 11 2009

dear diary,
today 2 people asked me for my cell . and then i it. it wouldn't full turn on and it kept vibrating .. so i spent liek 20 minuutes fiddling and now it's all better :) i also learned one important thing. no girl or guy is bitching of excluding when they aren't surrounded by friends .. get it? this girl in my fourth period lass used to not look at me then her "friend" left the class and today she asked my cell number so she could text me all the time . it's wierd the way people work. so willing to hate you until they are alone too . ASSHOLES :)
is it wierd to get butterflies in your stomache when you think about a guy you haven't talked to? or maybe 3 guys at the same time . not in awierd way. one guy in my third is super cute but we had to read little red riding hood and he put on this fake voice tata was super embarassing but he didn't get ashamed or anything he just kept going in abhigh pitched grandma wolf imitaion. then this guys who sits behind me in first, i can tell hes interested.. and i guess i do talk to him . then at lunch this random guy came up to me and introduced himself and shook my hand, in a way that wasn't formal or polite but gentlemanly:s

confused and dazed

Thursday, September 10, 2009

working my ass off..

september 10 ( the real an official)

dear diary. today i went to all four classess .. then straight to work. i swear a 5 hour shift never felt so long.. all i wanted to do was get home and check facebook for new updates :) and not slump around the store with only 1 customer in 5 hours and NOTHING TO DO.. to stall time .
today i talked more with the stoners behind me in period one and i think they can be my new bbfls. hahah i also realized that i knoiw a bunch of people from elementry school and stuff so i think i'm good to go for a while.
a girl in my fourth period class told me thata she was new last year and thata it wasn't thata hard to fit in . most of the girls have thata i'm too clool for you attitude but some are genuinly nice and are willing to go out of their way to make you feel welcomed.
someone threatened to cut off my hair as initianio because im still new to the school even if im in grade 11. but it was the stoners and i'm 99.9% sure they were joking..
anyways tommorow is initiation and a new day .. i can't wait to see what it brings.

trusting and truely

ps. the stoners told me i was too innocent and needed to smoke and stop writing in my adgenda ..ohh if they only knew how innocent i really amm.. ( i'm being serious i;m totally innocent haha )

day two: time to change

sept 10/09 (for sept 9/09)

dear diary, i'm writting for yeasterday because i didn't have time last night .. homework already and my zia's birthday. yeasterday i wore skinny dress pants and converse ( classic black) to school . it was my second day and i still don't know exactly what the uniform includes. at my old school it was really slak and you could wear pretty much anything. so i was sent down to the office. there i was greeted by the principal and was seated amongst the 20 something other kids booked for their shoes. i then told the principal very rudely that the rules were a joke and how we should be able to wear black and whit shoes and any dress pants. the main problem is that i didn't know at the time that she was the principal... :O ... so i got into double shit and had to miss all of first period to go home and change. the whole system is a joke because in all my other courses people were wearing converse. who is the office to yell us that we have to "black out" our new shoes.
after that incedent, the rest of my day was okay.. i'm meeting tons of new people but i can't remember any of their names :P haha oh well there is alwas my cousins old yearbook ..

until later ..
xoxo. madison

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

fresh start

its time to erase everyting.
everything i have ever written, said done or thought.
i want to go into this school year with a "new soul" of sorts. i plan on becomming what i always fantasized about since it was taken from me harshly and without warning in grade 4. i plan to be popular.

the following is to be read with both a sense of humor and an open trust that what i am going to say will be my true feelings and the real adventures of my life.

September 8/09

Dear diary. what to say, what to do. today was the first day of school. i'm in grade 11 now!!. i switched school to leave the dull pattern that was my old life always being judged because teachers and tests thought i was "gifted". so it was time for a change i packed up all of my emotional baggage and shipped up the asses of every person who helped bring me to where i was.
now i can finally breathe let everything go and come out to say thata today went pretty well. my first class is burnt filled with druggies and care nots, so talking to people was pretty easy once i got going.. second period was photgraphy and i was set because i already knew 2 people in the clss enough to keep me afloat for a while. .. third peoriod i shared with my cousins "best friend" and my last summers best friend.. last period id hair and aesthetics which mean 16 girls, open friendly and no drama.

wish me luck on my seconnd day.

xoxo madison. <3