Monday, September 14, 2009

starting the second week

Sept 14/09.

dear diary. send out the wrong impression or send out the right ones; hang with the wrong people or hang with the wrong one; leave behind your friends or just meet new ones. nothing thata i do seem like it's for sure right or for sure wrong. i met a bunch of people since i transfered and it's hard to tell you about them without mentioning names so i'm going to give everyone a code name. the guyswho sit behind me in homeroom are footballer, stonner and mexican (even though he isnt mexican everyone jokes that he is) the guy who i used to be best friends with in the summer and sit beside in third is warcraft. warcraft used to like me 2 summers ago and although we aren't really close anymore he gets jelous anytime i talk to another guy . footballer asked for my number and has been texting me nonstop and i think he has a thing for me. hes okay but i'd rather not get involved ingenerally. and hes a super bad influence on my so my parents would kill me.
classes are going okay but i lareday have so much homework and assignments in almost all of my classes.
this girl from my old school had been texting footballer before we even met and now shes trash talking me. let me just say if you have ever done this to anyone thata i don't even know who she is, she wasn't in my grade, any of my classes and i don't even know what she looks like yet magically she knows a ton of shit about me and is spreading it. hey asshole thanks :)
girls are always so jelous and bitchy.. what a problem we have become. anyways i hope she trips and falls flat on her face infront of everyone and se can trash talk that :).

yours always
Madison b.