Friday, September 11, 2009

hey can i get your number??

sept 11 2009

dear diary,
today 2 people asked me for my cell . and then i it. it wouldn't full turn on and it kept vibrating .. so i spent liek 20 minuutes fiddling and now it's all better :) i also learned one important thing. no girl or guy is bitching of excluding when they aren't surrounded by friends .. get it? this girl in my fourth period lass used to not look at me then her "friend" left the class and today she asked my cell number so she could text me all the time . it's wierd the way people work. so willing to hate you until they are alone too . ASSHOLES :)
is it wierd to get butterflies in your stomache when you think about a guy you haven't talked to? or maybe 3 guys at the same time . not in awierd way. one guy in my third is super cute but we had to read little red riding hood and he put on this fake voice tata was super embarassing but he didn't get ashamed or anything he just kept going in abhigh pitched grandma wolf imitaion. then this guys who sits behind me in first, i can tell hes interested.. and i guess i do talk to him . then at lunch this random guy came up to me and introduced himself and shook my hand, in a way that wasn't formal or polite but gentlemanly:s

confused and dazed